Thinking Blogger Award

Rebecca tagged me for the Thinking Blogger award.

If you get tagged with a Thinking Blogger Award, you are then supposed to do the following:

1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.

Thinkingbloggerpf8_2 we go:

1. Kimberlee always gives me something to ponder in my heart. Recently, she has inspired me to bring more beauty and creativity to my home.

2. Courtney reminds me of my days at UVa, complete with all the counter-cultural struggle. She gives me hope for a future filled with a new generation of beautiful Catholic families. And she recently has me coveting a pair of awesome shoes. Does that disqualify me as a thinking blogger? Shoes? Too frivolous? Before you decide, you've got to see the shoes...

3. Suzanne reminds me of when my home was only filled with lots of little boys. I remember the ideals of the mom I was and reflect upon the mom I still want to be. She's a poet and an artist and her blog begs quiet contemplation.

4. Danielle makes me think and makes me laugh and makes me wish I lived in New Hampshire and raised chickens along with children.

5. Finally, Michael is definitely a thinking blogger. I so appreciate being able to read his perspective and I look forward (with bittersweet tears)  to the time when his blog becomes a regular letter home.