Music to Soothe the Soul

Lisa Hendey begins her review of You are Child this way:

The first time I sat and listened to You Are Child by Catherine Benskin and Alan Marcinek, I found myself wishing I was a parishioner at her church.  This talented wife and mother of two, who recently earned professional certification as a Cantor, has the type of voice that fills the room with light and spirit.  What a joy it must be to sit in Mass on Sunday and listen to Catherine lead a congregation in song!

I've been there. A parishioner at Alan Marcinek's church. I've been privileged to hear Catherine and Alan sing and play in person. For several years, these were songs sung on Sundays and weekdays, feast days and funerals. These were songs that made the soundtrack of my life. These are songs my children sing when they are in trouble;-) And they are beautiful songs. Some will say that they not songs for Mass, not quite what we want liturgically. I might agree. But they are praying songs. They are soul-filled songs. They are songs that will echo in your head long, long after you last heard them sung. I stumbled upon them again this evening because I went purposefully in search of a CD of Alan playing the piano. I don't think such a thing exists. But I wish it did.

I found this CD, listened to as many tracks as I could and resolved to go find my copy--or to order a new one.