Miss That Pink Link Box?

I so miss Google Share. That was the box on the sidebar where I could just click and instantly you'd know what great stuff I'd bumped into on the web. I can't find a good substitute. Please bear with me as I try to get Delicious to work. In the meantime, here's list to click around:

Let's Hear it for the Dads  I really love those Archbolds and I'm a big fan of dads, so this one rocks.

Design the Life You Want. "It’s true β€” TV and video games can be addictive. Bad food is definitely addictive. There are downward spirals wherever you look, and they lead to a passive, overweight, consumerist lifestyle. But the good stuff can be just as addictive. Healthy eaters crave healthy food. Kids who play outside every day crave sunshine and wind and trees. Readers crave books. Makers crave time to make. Artists crave time to create." Now get after it! I'm right there with you.

Jen's found a great C. S. Lewis quote.

This one is super-serious. Please pray for Scott Hahn.

Helping Yourself. Kelle Hampton has so nailed where I am right now. Makes me want to get out there and run. Oh yeah, I don't live in Florida. It's sleeting here. Think I'll lock myself in my closet with my stationary bike and headphones. Lalalalalala.

This is just way sad. And this? Oh, I so beg to differ. I think I will. 

Yum. My aunt introduced me to the most amazing gluten-free pasta. Most amazing. My aunt is 110% Italian and she's an excellent cook. Even she agreed that this was really good. Not "really good for gluten free" but really good.

Sweet Keenan. We love this girl so much. Add her to the list of homeschooled celebrities. Oh, and before she was famous, she was an illustrator for Real Learning.

Sigh. I'd love to be at craft night Dawn's.

Speaking of crafting, Mike's going to do a bit of DIY.

I am obsessed with all things Anna Maria Horner. It's crazy. And during my current knitting fast, I've been drawn to embroidery. So, this announcement makes my heart sing.

And then there's this: Colleen called. She's safely in her new home. Far away. 

And one more (well two, together). A beautiful post that made me cry. Big family love. Long married love. Brand new love. All good. All God.

Have you any good links to share?