And Then There was Quilt Camp

While Nicky was a golf camp, Katie was at quilt camp. They spent a week in Charlottesville together with my dad and stepmom.  I think I might have been as excited about this opportunity as Katie was. I left a note for Katie to read the first morning of quilt camp



P.S.  Katie, when you get to camp on the very first day, you'll find a sewing machine there for you. To keep. And bring home.

Really! That might be the second hardest secret I've ever kept. The first one was this one.

Grandpa said to tell you it's Christmas in July;-)

Day 2, Squares 13



Sarah missed Katie terribly the whole time she was gone. On that first night home, the very special quilt found its intended owner. And Katie, who chose the fabric and stitched every stitch with Sarah in mind, snuggled right in next to her for a well deserved good night's sleep.
