Light and Life: Gifts


How great is God’s love for men! Some good men have been found pleasing to God because of years of work. What they achieved by working for many hours at a task pleasing to God is freely given to you by Jesus in one short hour. For if you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and taken up to paradise by him, just as he brought the thief there. Do not doubt that this is possible. After all, he saved the thief on the holy hill of Golgotha because of one hour’s faith; will he not save you too since you have believed? From today ‘s Office of Readings




We counted 25 burned out lightbulbs in our house. Almost all the recessed lights in the basement were out. A few more were out in the kitchen. And every single light in the ceiling fixtures in the upstairs hallway was burned out. I'm guessing this is rather extreme. Most people probably replace their lightbulbs promptly. Not us. We wait until so many are burned out the the cost of replacing them is over $100 at Costco. But oh, when the lights go on! It's lovely, really. Replace your lightbulbs today. Give thanks for the great gift. And if you are so put together that you have no lightbulbs in need of replacement, light a candle and say a prayer for the rest of us;-).


I like to pray when I run in the morning. Often, I listen to Divine Office and pray Morning Prayer or the Office of Readings. Then, I just take up a conversation with God. I'd love to pray for you! Please leave your prayer requests below and we can pray for each other, no matter how we spend our morning prayer time. Meet me back here tomorrow and I'll share the ponderings from my #morningrun