To do this week:

  • Celebrate St. George day and Shakespeare's birthday. (Should have had a booklist for you--maybe this afternoon, just for posterity's sake).
  • Wish someone else I know a very, happy milestone of a birthday.
  • De-clutter the bedrooms. This is my goal. How does she do that???
  • Find a suitable log for  novena candles in time to actually get it made before the Pentecost novena. Order candles, too.
  • Gather supplies to make beautiful May baskets like these. Spend a good deal of time at the Cottage, looking over last year's May activities so that maybe I can make just ONE trip to the craft store. Maybe?
  • Go back to Bull Run--maybe twice.
  • Monday morning tea with Megan: an opportunity to continue to experiment with wheatless baking.
  • Write the Loveliness of Spring post--better late than never, right?
  • Math every day, and grammar too. Beyond that, we're all about nature study. it 's going to be a beautiful week. We'll pick up the bird unit again and get some gardening done. Incidentally, there are two typelists of gardening and nature books that Typepad tells me are on the right hand sidebar. But I can't see them and I'm guessing you can't either. They are visible at Blossoms and Bees, if you are so inclined.
  • I think the beading supplies will come this week and I'm hoping to make some chaplets to give as presents for May birthdays.
  • I need to order graduation announcement and to brainstorm ideas for making homeschooled high school graduation really meaningful. Any ideas there? Please?