Couple of Quick Questions

While I'm still gathering homemaking questions and answers, I thought I'd answer a couple of quick other questions.

Cynthia asked, I just love the books and pictures about the flower fairies.  I have
a question regarding Along the Alphabet Path.  Did you make this up
or is there a book to follow along with?  Thanks.

The Alphabet Story is an original one that I'm writing as I go. The only book there is is the one you can make yourself by downloading the PDF of each installment and printing it for your child.

Maryan asked about the name change. This blog used to be named Real Learning: Education in the Heart of my Home. That was definitely a slight spin on the title of my book, Real Learning: Education in the Heart of the Home. Taking my cues from John Cougar, who became John Cougar Mellencamp and then John Mellencamp, I changed it to Real Learning in the Heart of my Home.
That wasn't quite right either...So, now it's In the Heart of my Home. The blog isn't and never was an educational philosophy discussion blog. It's not that I have anything against education, it's just that for me, education begins in the heart of my home and home is the focus. Real Learning is about education in the context of home.  What's most important isn't the booklist or the notebook pages. What's most important is the heart. There, you will find Christ and the Church. There you will find a mother who truly wants nothing more than to serve her family and her God well. That's not limited to homeschooling--it encompasses all of the holy life of a family. Also, this blog is really not a discussion blog at all. It's a journal of what I'm doing and what I'm thinking in the heart of my home. For me, blogging is an introspective endeavor. It's a blessing to me if you find something here which encourages you or makes you smile or makes you think, but I don't set out to spark controversy or vigorous debate. I'm not the debate type.

People who want to discuss the lifestyle of learning I tried to capture in the pages of Real Learning have gathered at the 4real message board.  And the conversation is absolutely, positively not limited to Real Learning or any other learning philosophy. It's not even limited to education. There, all the little details of what Catholic family life looks like across the country and across the world are shared with wholehearted generosity. There lots of questions are asked and answered and every aspect of home education is discussed by some very good people. But it's not my board. I founded it along with some wonderful people and I lent the name to it, but I am not there on a regular basis any more. I'm here, in the heart of my home. Incidentally, the blogroll isn't mine either. The good people who put it together chose the name and they borrowed my avatar to illustrate it. When they asked me about it later, I agreed it was awfully pretty and I'm happy to have them have it. But Real Learning isn't some kind of franchise.  It's the name of a book that bubbled up out of a lifestyle I love. And I'm just me, embracing life here and writing about it from my heart in this haven, this domestic church, where I live and learn and love with the people God gave me. Probably way more than you wanted to know, huh?