Every Family Has a Mission...

After reading my post yesterday, my friend Barbara put her thoughts on virtual paper. It's one thing to sit and philosophize about who should use NFP and who has just cause to delay childbearing. It's another thing entirely to throw one's door open to the very people others judge. Barbara and her husband are NFP proponents. They've been a teaching couple as long as I've known them (and that's a very long time). But more importantly, they are proponents of charity in the culture of life. Their home is a haven for moms who have said "yes" but who have real, tangible, and often urgent needs.  Barbara writes:

I think every family has acalling, and this is ours. I'm hoping to inspire other families to consider this mission to help pregnant women. Our diocese has just two homes right now, and has recently been getting more and more calls. It would be a shame to turn away someone who is asking for help.Read the rest here.