Small Successes~9


Danielle Bean and I just signed a new contract with Pauline Books.

The book we’re writing together offers daily support and inspiration for Catholic moms — to help them balance their spiritual lives and “real world” duties. We’re very excited about it and can’t wait to share it with you all!

I gave the learning room a thorough purging and cleaning. I gained fresh perspective on the spring semester in the process. Process is really important, you know?

I called the washer/dryer guy and he fixed both machines. All of these clothes have been washed and dried in the last twenty-four hours. And now, we will put them away. My children think that this is no "small" success.

What are your successes this week? This is a great exercise in holding ourselves accountable and patting ourselves on the back. Mothering and homemaking don't have built in performance reviews and bonuses. The  internet can be a source of support and encouragement. Let's encourage one another in our small successes. Share them at Faith and Family Live!