Lord, Hear Our Prayer


The internet is a formidable force for bringing the comfort and consolation and hope of the Lord to all of us. It can be an incredibily powerful medium for community. There is an unfathomable resource for prayer here. We have on the 'net the privilege of praying for people and of being witness to the miracles brought forth when fervent, faith-fulled people pray for one another.

Let's be that community of hope and faith for one another.

But how about this idea? What if I pop in here every weekend, share Sunday's gospel and talk a wee bit about how we can live it and pray it in our homes? And then you tell me how we can pray for you that week? Deal?

{And please, do return and let us know how prayer is bearing fruit.}



John 15:1-18


Jesus said to his disciples:
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower.
He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit,
and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.
You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own
unless it remains on the vine,
so neither can you unless you remain in me.
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit,
because without me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not remain in me
will be thrown out like a branch and wither;
people will gather them and throw them into a fire
and they will be burned.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you,
ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you.
By this is my Father glorified,
that you bear much fruit and become my disciples."



"My Heart overflows with great mercy for souls ... If only they could understand that 
I am the best of Fathers to them and that it is for them that the Blood and Water flowed from My Heart as from a fount overflowing with mercy. For them I dwell in the tabernacle as King of Mercy. I desire to bestow My graces upon souls, but they do not want to accept them ... Oh, how indifferent are souls to so much goodness, to so many proofs of love! ... They have time for everything, but they have no time to come to Me for graces" (St. Faustina, Diary 367)


Father, you are the good gardener. I know that with the pruning comes your grace to bear the pain. I know that in confession, I can be washed by the mercy of spring rains. And I know that in the Eucharist, there is abundant grace to grow in your sunshine. Thank you for the gift of faith.


There are actual graces available this weekend in the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist. Make time to go to Him for them.


How can this community of prayer beg graces on your behalf this week?