needle & thREAD






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On Saturday, exactly a week from when Tracy received them, the nightgowns were back in my house. And they are just beautiful! It's amazing how perfectly they fit each girl.Tracy is an expert seamstress and every single stitch is just so, every detail carefully considered. We so love them! And this fabric? Incredibly rich flannel. Worth every penny. These nightgowns will last forever. I'm so glad, because I really will never tire of looking at them.

I've done a little sewing of my own this week, a surprise for our friend Katie, who is celebrating her birthday tomorrow. Since I want Katie's mom to be surprised, too, I'll have to show you next week.


And the reading stack is huge. A new library opened in our town. I got a little carried away. Now, to find time to read...


needle and thREAD

What are you sewing and reading this week? I really do want to hear all about it!

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