Dance thoughts

The recitals were Saturday. Three shows. Countless costumes and accessories. I've got lots of thoughts. But my introverted self really needs quiet stillness for a bit.

Last winter, Karoline begged to do a solo. Mary Beth begged to choreograph one for her. I didn't think it a good idea. She's still so little and I want to guard her innocence (and those of her sisters). I was--and still am--very leery of "dance culture." Mary Beth met my admonition to let her be little head on. They worked on this dance together and asked if she could just dance it at the recital "as a gift to Daddy." Then, Mary Beth was injured, her duet already paid for, and well, we let Karoline take her place at competition. This is a video of Karoline's very first solo dance performance ever--her first time on stage alone. It was shot in March. I've kept it until now because I wanted Mike to have his special gift at the recital. So, he first saw her dance this on Saturday. 

That's all I've got for today. I pray the day brings to your the brightness and beauty of summertime in all its glory--and a little slow time, too.