Intentional Weekend: Autumn Reading

The air grows colder. The breeze picks up. The season is changing, becoming autumn, with no chance that summer will make a brief return this time. I've seen the seasons change so many times it would be easy to take it for granted, to barely nod to the shifting winds, save to switch capris for flannel-lined jeans. 

But I have children in my life. Boys who are eager to wear the long-sleeved Under Armour and half pants in the goal. Teenagers who sing the praises of Pumpkin Spice Lattes. And little girls who talk excitedly of Christmas coming tomorrow. They tell me to stop and savor the wonder with them. I am grateful, ever so grateful, to watch with them as He ushers in a new season, to notice the gifts of each turning of the calendar page, to revel in the joy of God's abundant bounty.


Weekends are for bar cookies, oozing with goodness. For sipping hot cider in front of the first fire of the season. For gathering the autumn favorites from the picture book shelf and snuggling together beneath the now-necessary quilt.


Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic

Snowsong Whistling

In November

Christopher's Harvest Time

Apple Cake

Crawdad Creek

Brother Bartholomew and the Apple Grove

Mother Earth and Her Children

Pumpkin Moonshine