Good Excuse for Cake


By six or so this evening, it was becoming clear that the contractors weren't going to appear. To this fact, I add this update to my "numbers"

Number of flat tires today: 2

Number of additional inches added to the forecast: 18

Number of minutes my neighbor reports waiting to check out at the supermarket (a task which still awaits me, because I spent the day sitting here waiting for the contractor and I didn't want to miss him): 60

I was seriously craving chocolate. And seriously feeling sorry for my gluten-free self because I couldn't do what Ann said to do when it's a hard day. So this cake recipe definitely caught my eye.

Kim made hers with coconut flour, which really intrigues me, but I haven't any and there's that grocery line. It's fast becoming a what-the-heck kind of week, so, I figured I had absolutely nothing to lose and pulled the following substitutions from the pantry:

3/4 cup rice flour & 3/4 cup hazelnut flour instead of wheat flour

1 teaspoon expresso powder in 1 cup of water instead of coffee

1/2 cup  butter for the shortening

We made the recipe as written because I didn't have enough cocoa to double it and we baked it 38 minutes.

And I'm happy to report that we didn't have any disasters during cake making. This is how we kept 'em busy. Note: I do not need butter from the store; the co-op delivered yesterday.


The cake was just what this day needed:-). I really liked the hazelnutty flavor.  And that makes twice this week I've baked a chocolate cake. Hmmm.