Late October Daybook

Outside My Window

Frost! Not a hard freeze, yet, thankfully, because I still haven't done that autumn gardening, but definitely a nip in the air. I love autumn.


I am Listening to

Nothing. And liking it.


I am Wearing

A cordoruy shirt and jeans. And this awful haircut that is beginning to grow out. I just need it to get long enough for someone competent to fix it. When I had cancer, I promised myself I'd never complain about bad hair days and birthdays. For twenty years, I stuck to that. This haircut is definitely trying my soul.


I am so Grateful for

Beautiful Sunday afternoons.

OK, I'm going to say I'm grateful for athletic trainers. I need to cultivate an attitude of gratefulness for them. Truly, I'm annoyed as all get out. They need to not diagnose. They need to consult parents when we're talking about children. They need to consult doctors because, well, they need to not diagnose. But, I'm grateful they are there on the scene and that they do have my boys' best interests at heart.

Husbands who are also on the scene and can calm the panic created by the athletic trainer.

Whole Foods Market with my little girls on Satruday mornings.

A ballet studio that has brought the sparkle back to my big girl's eyes and the spring into her step.

Peeled and cubed butternut squash at Costco.


I'm Pondering

The reason that we are not fully at ease in heart and soul is because we seek rest in these things that are so little and have no rest within them, and pay no attention to our God, who is Almighty, All-wise, All-good, and the only real rest. ~Blessed Julian of Norwich

I'm thinking about that quote a lot lately (again) as I look towards Sarah's birthday.

I need to be reminded to seek rest in the only real source of rest.

I am Reading

Church Fathers and Teachers. This is the volume that fits nicely with our Middle Ages Studies.


I am Thinking

That Sarah Annie probably should be transistioning to her own bed in her own room. I'm not sure her Daddy is ready for that, though. I am wondering what I'm going to do with that alcove in my bedroom that has long held the rocker and the baby's dresser.


I am Creating

Beeswax leaves. Have you seen Ginny's? Gorgeous! And I've already dedicated my Little Dipper crockpot to beeswax. I use it for salves. So, we're all set, if only the weather cooperates.


On my iPod

Isn't today the day the new Taylor Swift album becomes available? Or something like that? Seems like someone has been talking about it incessantly.


Towards a Real Education

Settling nicely back into our CM Organizer rhythm. I've been pummeling myself quite a bit the last couple of weeks. I recognize that I've been too easily swayed by someone else's good idea. That's not my usual me. And I've been beating myself up for not being more prudent and giving in way too easily to my impulses (which is really not me at all). Back to the Julian of Norwich quote and the hard learned lessons on the value of silence.


Towards Rhythm and Beauty

The rhythm will rock at the end of this week and I'm postiviely gleeful about it. Daylight Savings Time will bring soccer practices to an end, except for the one under the lights, once a week. It will make it easier to settle little ones at night to establish a new bedtime routine for my youngest girls. It will mean mama will be home much, much more and that can only be a very good thing for hearth and home.


We're having a Kind Conversation about

Making learning a Passionate pursuit

I have neglected Kind Conversation since its founding last spring. In my eagerness to redeem the time and reclaim what was lost, I was justifiably leery of message boards. It has proven itself to be a very nice place, quite in keeping with all the principles of its founding. It's not very busy there at all, but what is written there is written with every good intention for the support and benefit of the women who read it. I think I might just hang out there a little more often.


To Live the Liturgy

We're preparing for All Saints Day. This litany is lovely. After clicking through everything Youtube had to offer, we settled on this one. There are a few others there that might suit you also. Thanks to Donna, for starting us on this rabbit trail.


I am Hoping and Praying

For Katie and Sam and Isaac and all the people who love them. A miracle, please. Please, God! We really are begging for a miracle!

For Michael--a hamstring injury may mean his competitive playing days are over. Please, God, let him clearly see your hand in this turn of events.

For Patrick, who has likely broken his nose. A doctor, today , would be a good thing and then peace of heart for all of us as we again learn to parent from afar.


In the Garden

Mike is talking about taking a day off this week. Perhaps we will get to that garden after all.


Around the House

We've added touches of autumn here and there, a stuffed scarecrow in the foyer that Sarah Anne waves to with every passing is my new favorite (even though he's quite old). Looking at him through her eyes and hearing her call him "my guy" has shed a different light on the tattered chap. 

My absolute biggest news in a long time in the housekeeping department is this (trumpets please): Someone in this house now folds clothes even better than I do! It is a well established fact that I am particular about the way clothes are folded. Over time, to my credit, I have loosened the standards a bit, but only because no one has ever seemed to "get it." They just don't see what I see or seem to understand that I want it all crisp with all the seams lined up. Until last week. Christian got a job at American Eagle Outfitters. The first day on the job was an all-nighter. They changed out the entire floor. He folded clothes for seven hours straight under the watchful eye of a designer/supervisor. And he rocks at it! He is one awesome folder. I'm telling you, now, when I see my laundry all stacked and folded, I am giddy with delight!


From the Kitchen 

A menu. It's all shopped and everything awaits faithful stewardship over the kitchen. I can't tell you how necessary this was. It's mostly vegetarian. Christian is grumbling about this in a big way, so I'm thinking simple broiled "sides" of meat for men who think they're wasting away?

Spicy Mexican Squash Stew (I think this is in Moosewood Cooks at Home?)

Pumpkin Muffins (Cooking for Isaiah-these are gluten free and really good)


Golden Rice Pie (p126 Vegetable Heaven)

Spicy Green Beans


Good Shepherd’s Pie (Laurel's Kitchen 268)


Tomato Soup

Grilled cheese sandwiches


Green Potatoes (Laurel's Kitchen) 

Caesar salad

Cranberry  squash (Laurel's Kitchen)


Butternut risotto


Rustic chicken



One of My Favorite Things

The chance to chat with Marisa, in person, an hour a week, while our girls dance and our boys play flag football.


Sarah Annie this week

This is the last week before she turns two. One of the many endearing things about Sarah Anne is that she is an effusive user of the phrase "thank you." She thanks me for everything: a diaper change, a cup of juice, the chance to nurse, new clothes, bubbles in the bathtub. You name it; I am thanked for it. It's really darling. And what a beautiful habit! As I'm temtped to be sad to leave this phase of my life, and as I tear up at the thought of our home without a baby in it, I'm taking my cues from my Annie-girl. I'm just saying "thank you" every time I turn around.

It's way better than the alternative.


A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week

Last week of soccer "as usual."

Need to find/make/beg/borrow something for the little boys to wear for Halloween.

Pansy planting.

Basement cleaning.

Garage cleaning too?

Hopefully, an in-real-life visit with a friend who lives so far away I wouldn't have thought it possible.

Picture thoughts:

