needle & thREAD

I have no sewing to report this week and really, no reading either.

I've done a lot of this:


{photo credit: Karoline}

head on one of those awesome cozies, inhaling essential oils and trying hard to clear my sinuses. 

Regardless of the state of my head, I do have a small sewing task to complete today. I need to sew these patches on these jerseys. The jerseys are made of that wicking athletic polyester. The patches don't have any sticky backing or anything else exceptional about them. Both the patches and the jerseys are irreplaceable though, so I'm open to advice about the proper way to do this. Would someone tell me exactly the right way to sew these on to the sleeves? (And yes, I now have given away the ending to my State Cup post. But I'm still going to write it up;-)


What have you been up to? I think I have another day on the couch to just click around. What's happening in the sewing world? have you seen any great ideas? New fabrics? Fun inspiration? Please pass it along:-)